How To Repack A Game


First of all I'm not a Pro Repacker! :D So comment your suggestions for improve this article.

What's needed?,

  • A game
  • Compression software like Freearc.
  • A Installer script (read Script section below)
  • Pc with at least 4Gb of Ram (I have only 4GB ram😓)

A Game,

I'm talking about the game you are going to repack :D

Compression software like Freearc,

If you are interested in this repacking thing you probably hear about FreeArc. For Now we are going to use this FreeArc software because it's easy to use and it's compression methods are supported by most of Installer Script's default decompressors. So Download FreeArc -    Download Now

How to use FreeArc,

To know how to use FreeArc go here

A Installer script,

There are different installer scripts. You can download some of them here. Give credits to the developer for their hard work!

Visit The Installer Script Page from Here

Compiling Error Fix,

Please use Inno Setup Enhanced Unicode for compiling the script. You can download it from - here

How to Edit Installer Scripts?

Tutorials Coming soon....

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